

Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
8 years
Degree type: 

Psychologists do more than talk to patients on a couch. Psychology focuses on cutting-edge research into some of the most exciting and interesting aspects of the human brain, behavior of individuals and groups, and treatments for mental health.

Psychologists can also treat the mental, behavioral, emotional, and substance abuse problems of individuals, couples, and families. In addition to private-practice and academic research, psychologists can work for governments, businesses, and police agencies.


Social Worker

Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
6 years
Degree type: 

Social work is divided into two main branches: direct service social work, which helps people and families solve social and environmental problems and clinical social work, which addresses the mental, behavioral, and emotional health needs of individuals and families.

A bachelor’s degree is required for direct care social work and Master’s Degree in Social Work is required for clinical social work.

Social workers are licensed by the state and may work in a variety of settings, including private clinics, hospitals, social service agencies, governments, non-profits, or nursing homes.


Health Care Adminstrator

Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
6 years
Degree type: 

Health care administrators have are well educated, non-practitioner administrators versed in financial management, human resources, and operations.

These professionals have a master’s degree in health administration or business administration, and work in office settings managing the daily operations of medical offices, nursing homes, hospitals, or other health care facilities.

Depending on the size of the facility and position, health care administrators may be responsible for one part of a large health care system, or larger parts of a smaller facility.


Registered Dietitian

Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
4 years
Degree type: 

Eat your veggies! Registered Dietitians are specifically licensed to plan, supervise, and prepare food that keeps people healthy.

Dietitians can plan medical nutrition programs to help treat or manage diseases like diabetes, hypertension (high-blood pressure), or diseases of the digestive tract.

Additionally, dietitians can conduct research in community health and plan menus for schools, universities, and hospitals. Registered Dieticians are certified and licensed professionals.


Clinical Laboratory Scientist

Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
4 years
Degree type: 

Clinical laboratory scientists are an essential part of the health care system, although few patients directly see their work. Clinical laboratory scientists are certified by the National Medical Laboratory Science Council or the American Society for Clinical Pathology.

Using advanced analytical equipment, clinical laboratory scientists perform a full range of tests that help physicians diagnose disease and manage medications.

Some examples of common laboratory tests are complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests (LFT), lipid profile, blood type, prenatal blood tests, and comprehensive metabolic panels.



Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
8 years
Degree type: 

Optometrists are a specially trained health care professional who receives a four-year Doctor of Optometry degree.

They are responsible for the main vision correction, and screen for advanced medical conditions of the eye, like glaucoma or complications of diabetes.

Furthermore, optometrists may treat patients who have limited sight and provide pre-and post-operative care after patients’ undergo eye surgery.


Orthotist and Prosthetist

Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
6 years
Degree type: 

Orthotists and prosthetists help design and fit individuals for braces and artificial limbs to help those who have lost a limb due to illness or traumatic injury be able to move independently.

Technology has created big advances in prosthetic devices, including artificial legs that allow people to run and artificial hands that are controlled by the arm muscles.


Physical Therapist

Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
6 years
Degree type: 

Physical Therapists work with patients to reduce pain, increase movement, and other physical activities after surgery, injury, or illness.

Physical therapists treat patients through exercise, massage, stretching, heat and cold, or other tools to reduce pain. Physical therapists can work in dedicated physical therapy offices, hospitals, long-term care facilities, or visit patients’ homes.

Physical therapists are required to earn a post-graduate degree, most often a Doctor of Physical Therapy, in addition to a bachelor’s degree.



Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
7 years
Degree type: 

Doctors of Podiatric Medicine, commonly called Podiatrists, are specially-trained doctors of the feet.

They diagnose and treat common foot, ankle, and lower leg problems using physical exams, x-rays, and laboratory tests. Some of common ailments that require podiatric care include bunions, bone spurs, arch issues, and hammer toes.

Depending how severe a foot problem may be, a podiatrist may perform surgery, prescribe medications, create orthotic inserts, or refer patients to receive other medical care.

Like physicians, podiatrists must earn undergraduate and graduate degrees and complete a three year residency program.



Average Salary: 
Length of Education: 
6 years
Degree type: 

Want to have one of the top 10 best jobs in America? Money magazine ranked pharmacists as having one of the top 10 best jobs in America.

Pharmacists must have an advanced Doctor of Pharmacy degree, and are responsible for filling prescriptions; ensuring medications do not conflict with each other, and provide advice to patients and doctors about possible side effects and alternative therapies.

Pharmacists can work in out-patient pharmacies filling prescriptions, or in hospitals working closely with other professionals to guide the care of very sick patients. Pharmacists also counsel patients on medical devices and equipment that may improve their quality of life.



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